The Giant Panda Research Team

This page is full of Panda Facts!

Giant Panda Fun Facts

Length: Average is 5 to 6 feet for males, slightly less for females.

Tail length: About one half foot (6 inches).

Height: Average is 2 to 3 feet for males, about half a foot less for females

Weight: Males weigh about 175 to 250 pounds. Females weigh about 150 to 225 pounds. The giant Panda bear weight depends on many factors including diet and environment.

Habitat: The panda bears habitat has been reduced to the most remote regions of central China. Their living area is in high mountains remote from humans. Their habitat is being threatened by direct and indirect (global warming) impacts from mankind.

Diet: Giant pandas will eat a variety of foods in captivity. However their natural diet is in fact almost exclusively bamboo shoots, leaves, and stalks.

Fun fact: Birthday cakes are often offered to captive pandas for fun. The cakes are completely healthy since they are made from ice and vegetables. The candles are usually bamboo sticks.

Digestive system: Since the panda is technically classified as a carnivore it is not very efficient at digesting plant material. One for more interesting panda facts is that it is exclusively feeds on bamboo, a low nutrient plant food. They must eat massive quantities to get adequate nutrition. It is estimated that between 30 to 45 pounds of bamboo must be consumed every day!

Gestation period: About 100 to 150 days after mating. Conditions in captivity may vary.

Panda cub litter size: A mother panda usually has only 1 or 2 babies.

Size at birth: About 4 ounces (113 grams).

Childhood: Young pandas are much like kids, they like to have fun. They are very energetic and clumsy.

Age of maturity: Males mature at about 6 to 7 years. Females about 4 to 5 years.

Giant Panda lifestyle: As with most bears they spend a lot of time roaming their territory, foraging for bamboo, and sleeping.

Social behavior: The panda is mostly a solitary animal that meets occasionally for social feeding and mating.

Communication: Methods include calls, tree scratching, and scent markings.

Climbing ability: Giant panda bears are good climbers.

Hibernation: One of the more unique panda facts is that the bears do not hibernate. Their main food supply is available all year around. However they may head to lower elevations during the cold season.

Live Span: Exact statistics on natural age in the wild are one of the more difficult giant panda facts to determine. However wild pandas are estimated to have a longevity of 15 to 25 years. Captive panda bears have been known to live over 30 years.

Conservation status: Endangered.

Fun Fact: Giant panda bears have special front paws. Both paws have five fingers plus a thumb! The thumb is actually a wrist bone that has grown outward to help the panda grasp bamboo stalks.

Fun Red Panda Facts

- The Red Panda is about the size of a raccoon and weighs 7 to 14 pounds. They are about 20 to 26 inches long with their tail an additional 12 to 20 inches.

- Their other names include: Bear-cat, Bright Panda, Cat-bear, Fire Fox, Lesser Panda, Petit Panda and Poonya.

- Their claws are partially retractable. They have an extended bone which is like a “thumb.”

- Red pandas live 12 to 14 years.

- Over the winter red pandas often lose up to 15% of their body weight.


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